生成AIラボ:画像生成AIの商用利用について…01 | Commercial use of image generation AI…01

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My client asked me for a design inspired by 1800’s impressionist painters, so I did some research.



著作権の制限: 1800年代の印象派画家〇〇〇風の作品自体は著作権が切れており、彼のスタイルを再現すること自体には著作権の問題はありません。ただし、「〇〇〇風」というスタイルであっても、生成AIが具体的な作品のレプリカや極めて似通ったデザインを生成する場合、著作権問題が発生する可能性があるため、完全なオリジナルを目指す工夫が重要です。

AIツールの利用規約: 使用する生成AIのプラットフォーム(例えば、OpenAIや他のAIツール)の利用規約やポリシーに従う必要があります。多くのAIツールは、商用利用に制限を設けている場合があるので、ツールごとの規約を確認することが重要です。

商標やブランドの使用: 「〇〇〇風」として商標登録されたようなブランド名や表現が含まれている場合、それらを商用利用の目的で使うと、誤認を招く可能性があるため、ブランド名を避けるか、スタイルの説明を工夫して商用利用を行うのが安全です。

独自性の担保: 〇〇〇の影響を受けつつも独自の要素を取り入れたデザインを目指すと、より安心して商用利用できます。

According to ChatGPT…

If you use generative AI to create paintings in the style of 1800s impressionist painters and use them commercially, you need to pay attention to the following points.

Copyright restrictions: The copyright of the work of the 1800s impressionist painter XXX has expired, so there is no copyright issue in reproducing his style. However, even if the style is “XXX style”, if the generative AI generates a replica of a specific work or a very similar design, copyright issues may arise, so it is important to aim for a completely original design.

Terms of use of AI tools: You must follow the terms of use and policies of the generative AI platform you use (for example, OpenAI or other AI tools). Many AI tools may have restrictions on commercial use, so it is important to check the terms of each tool.

Use of trademarks and brands: If the design contains a brand name or expression that is trademarked as “XXX style”, using it for commercial purposes may lead to misunderstandings, so it is safer to avoid the brand name or to use it commercially by being creative with the description of the style.

Ensuring originality: If you aim for a design that is influenced by XXX but incorporates unique elements, you can use it commercially with more confidence.




模倣の度合い: 1800年代の印象派画家〇〇〇の作品を過度に模倣した場合、著作権侵害となる可能性があります。単に「〇〇〇風」というだけでなく、特定の作品を過度に模倣しているか、あるいは〇〇〇の作品にしか見られない特徴を過度に模倣している場合は注意が必要です。
パロディとの違い: パロディであれば、ある程度の模倣は許容される可能性がありますが、パロディとして成立するか否かは、個々のケースによって判断が異なります。

著作権フリーのデータ: AIの学習に使用されるデータが全て著作権フリーである必要があります。もし、著作権のある作品が学習データに含まれていた場合、生成された画像も著作権侵害となる可能性があります。


オリジナル性の欠如: 生成AIで作成された作品は、あくまで既存の作品を基に生成されたものであり、真のオリジナル性があるのかという疑問が常に付きまといます。
芸術の価値: AIによる創作は、人間の創造性とは異なる価値を持つのか、という議論も存在します。

弁護士に相談: 具体的な状況を弁護士に相談し、法的リスクを評価してもらうことが重要です。
生成AIの利用規約を確認: 使用している生成AIの利用規約をしっかりと確認し、商用利用に関する制限事項などを把握しておく必要があります。
著作権フリーの画像データを使用: AIの学習データとして、著作権フリーの画像データを使用するように心がけるべきです。
オリジナル性を高める: 〇〇〇風の絵画であっても、独自の要素を加えることで、オリジナル性を高めることができます。
パブリックドメインの画像を使用: 〇〇〇の作品であっても、著作権が消滅しているパブリックドメインの作品を使用することで、法的リスクを軽減できる可能性があります。


技術の進歩: AI技術は日々進化しており、法律や判例もそれに合わせて変化しています。常に最新の情報を収集しておくことが重要です。
個別のケースによる判断: 上記は一般的な注意点であり、個々のケースによって判断が異なります。

According to Gemini…

It’s very interesting that you’re using generative AI to create paintings in the style of XXX, an impressionist painter from the 1800s, and considering using them commercially. However, there are several legal and ethical aspects to this issue, and careful consideration is required.

Problems and points to note

Possibility of copyright infringement:
Degree of imitation: If you overly imitate the work of XXX, an impressionist painter from the 1800s, it may be copyright infringement. It’s not just that it’s “in the style of XXX,” but if you are overly imitating a specific work or overly imitating features that are only seen in XXX’s work, you need to be careful.
Difference from parody: If it’s a parody, a certain degree of imitation may be acceptable, but whether it constitutes a parody or not is determined by the individual case.

Issues with AI training data:
Copyright-free data: All data used to train the AI ​​must be copyright-free. If copyrighted works are included in the training data, the generated images may also be copyright infringement.

Trademark issues:
The name “XXX” may be registered as a trademark. Be careful not to infringe on trademark rights.

Ethical issues:
Lack of originality: Works created by generative AI are generated based on existing works, and the question of whether they are truly original is always present.

Value of art: There is also debate as to whether creations by AI have a different value than human creativity.

Consult a lawyer: It is important to consult a lawyer about the specific situation and have them evaluate the legal risks.
Check the generative AI’s terms of use: It is necessary to carefully check the terms of use of the generative AI you are using and understand any restrictions on commercial use.
Use copyright-free image data: You should try to use copyright-free image data as training data for your AI.
Increase originality: Even if it is a Van Gogh-style painting, you can increase its originality by adding your own elements.
Use public domain images: Even if it is a Van Gogh work, you may be able to reduce legal risks by using public domain works whose copyright has expired.

Creating Van Gogh-style paintings with generative AI and using them commercially is fraught with legal and ethical issues, so it should not be done lightly. It is important to consult with a lawyer and proceed with careful consideration.

Additional Information
Technological advances: AI technology is evolving every day, and laws and precedents are changing accordingly. It is important to always keep up to date with the latest information.
Decision based on individual cases: The above are general points to note, and decisions will vary depending on each individual case.






According to Claude…

Here are some important points to note about the commercial use of AI art.

About the works of impressionist painters from the 1800s
The works of impressionist painters from the 1800s are out of copyright and in the public domain
Therefore, there is no legal problem in using the style of the work itself as a reference

Things to consider when generating using AI
Be sure to check the terms of use of the AI ​​tool you use
Whether commercial use is permitted
License type and conditions
Need to credit
Practical precautions
It is advisable to clearly indicate that the work was generated by AI
Avoid completely imitating a specific existing work
It is necessary to check that the generated image does not contain elements that infringe on the rights of others

To reduce risk
Comply with the terms of use
Get legal advice if necessary
Record the generation process and the prompts used



My current interpretation is that “legally (copyright) there is no problem…check the license for the image generation AI…make sure it’s not too similar…use it with careful consideration”…

That’s difficult…

Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ

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