Today, I’d like to talk about “Project Clean Machine” a feature that automatically removes shadows caused by flash when shooting, as well as people who are caught in the frame.
I wonder if this will also be included in Premiere!?
It really is magic at this point…
But is it really okay to just erase things you want to erase?
Won’t it make the scene no longer a real one?
It’s like your memory is being overwritten.
Adobeの「Project Clean Machine」は、最近のAdobe MAX 2024で発表された新しい画像および動画編集技術です。このプロジェクトは、撮影時にフラッシュによって生じる影や、フレーム内に入ってしまった人などの邪魔な要素を自動的に削除する機能を持っています。
Adobe’s “Project Clean Machine” is a new image and video editing technology recently announced at Adobe MAX 2024. The project has the ability to automatically remove distracting elements such as shadows caused by flash when shooting and people who are in the frame.
The technology doesn’t just remove unwanted objects, it also considers the impact of removing them. For example, if a flash occurs in a photo or video of fireworks, it will correct the overexposure caused by the flash and adjust the overall color and brightness. This results in a visually consistent result.
“Project Clean Machine” was introduced in Adobe’s “Sneaks” session, which shows a feature in development that may be implemented in a product in the future. Through this technology, Adobe aims to help creators create high-quality content more easily.
The project is expected to be a powerful tool, especially in video editing, and will reduce the burden on creators by automating tasks that are time-consuming with traditional methods.
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