We compared how image generation AI reflects text into images and Japanese expressions using six commonly used services.
プロンプト「晴天の夏「No Playing, No Life.」と書かれたお揃いの紺色のTシャツを着た30代夫婦と2人の子供達が遊園地を歩きながら笑っている様子」
Prompt: “Draw a couple in their 30s and their two children walking through an amusement park on a sunny summer day, wearing matching navy blue t-shirts that say, ‘No Playing, No Life.'”
If you add “Japanese” to the prompt…
Adobe Fireflyは…日本だとデフォルトが日本人…テキストの画像への反映は…まだNG?
Adobe Firefly…in Japan the default is Japanese…reflecting text on images…still no good?
ImageFX… hasn’t worked for a while… I tried several times and was able to generate one image… but I couldn’t generate a Japanese version…
to be continued…
Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ