For the first time in a while, I played around with Pika, a video generation AI that may be a bit late to the game.
Prompt… “A woman in her twenties walking her dog on the autumn beach, evening, sunset”
Prompt… “A very old and worn out humanoid robot suddenly starts running”
Generate from image…prompt…”Start laughing”
Without any prompts…
There’s no denying that it’s lagging behind Runway…Luma…
to be continued…
Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ
2024.10.22 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Remix A Lot」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Remix A Lot" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...スケッチを元に洗練されたデザインを作成でき、思いのままのサイズや形状にリミックス(再構成)できる新しいツール「Project Remix A Lot」について... Today I'd like to talk about "Project Remix A Lot" a new tool that lets you create sophisticated designs from sketches and remix them into any size or shape ...
2024.10.22 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Know How」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Know How" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...作家やデザイナーが自分の作品をオンラインおよび現実世界で追跡し、所有権を保護するための新しいツール「Project Know How」について... Today I'm talking about "Project Know How" a new tool to help artists and designers track and protect the ownership of their work online and in the real world. 生成AIがここまで侵食 ...
2024.10.21 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project In Motion」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project In Motion" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...アニメーションを簡単に作成し、生成AIを用いてそのアニメーションをビデオに変換する機能「Project In Motion」について... Today I'm going to talk about "Project In Motion" a feature that lets you easily create animations and then turn them into videos using generative AI. この機能は...アイデア次第ですね! Prem ...
2024.10.21 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Clean Machine」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Clean Machine" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...撮影時にフラッシュによって生じる影や、フレーム内に入ってしまった人などの邪魔な要素を自動的に削除する機能「Project Clean Machine」について... Today, I'd like to talk about "Project Clean Machine" a feature that automatically removes shadows caused by flash when shooting, as well as people who a ...
2024.10.20 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Perfect Blend」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Perfect Blend" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...写真の色やライティングを自動的に調整する画像合成のための新しいAIツール「Project Perfect Blend」について... Today, I'd like to talk about "Project Perfect Blend" a new AI tool for image compositing that automatically adjusts the color and lighting of photos. 便利になりますね...Photosh ...
2024.10.20 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Super Sonic」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Super Sonic" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...テキストから音声への生成・オブジェクト認識・ボーカルコントロールを備えた音源生成AI「Project Super Sonic」について... Today, I'd like to talk about "Project Super Sonic" a sound source generation AI with text-to-speech generation, object recognition, and vocal control. これが...Adobe Premi ...
2024.10.19 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Scenic」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Scenic" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...生成AIを活用してシンプルなプロンプトを入力して3Dシーンを簡単に作成・制御できる新しいツール「Project Scenic」について... Today I'm going to tell you about "Project Scenic" a new tool that uses generative AI to make it easy to create and control 3D scenes by entering simple prompts. う...ここまで来てるのかぁ ...
2024.10.19 2024.10にAdobeが発表した開発中の新技術...「Project Turntable」 Adobe announced new technology under development in October 2024…"Project Turntable" https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/16/new-adobe-max-sneaks-transform-photo-video-audio-3d-creation 今日は...2Dベクターイラストを3Dのように回転させる革新的な技術「Project Turntable」について... Today, I'd like to talk about "Project Turntable" an innovative technology that lets you rotate 2D vector illustrations as if they were 3D. 凄いっ!!!この機能...待ってましたっ!って感じですね...。 これが普通にイラレ上で使えるよう ...
2024.10.18 Blog Propman MEMO 「ものづくり」備忘録?のアイキャッチ画像+αを... Midjourney・Flux・Imagen・Adobe Firefly・Copilot Designer・Ideogram・VIVA・Vidu・Kling・Runway・Dream Machine・Haiper・hailuo...等々で生成しています。 Blog Propman MEMO "Manufacturing" memo? Eye-catching images + more…Created using Midjourney, Flux, Imagen, Adobe Firefly, Copilot Designer, Ideogram, VIVA, Vidu, Kling, Runway, Dream Machine, Haiper, hailuo…etc. Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ ...
2024.10.18 無料のクレジットが+100になっていたので... 先日に引き続き...今日も...「Hailuo AI」の画像から動画生成をいじってみた...。 The free credits were +100 so… Following on from the other day…today too…I tried playing around with generating videos from images using "Hailuo AI"… Original image generated using Flux 1.1 Original image generated using Flux 1.1 Original image generated using Midjourney んっ!素晴らしい! つづく... Hmm! Awesome! To be continued… Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ ...