生成AIラボ:Runway Gen-3 Alphaをいじってみた…03 | I tried playing around with Runway Gen-3 Alpha…03

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引き続き…Runway Gen-3 Alphaを弄ってみた…
Continuing…I played around with the Runway Gen-3 Alpha…

Set the prompt to …”A futuristic city bursting with light, a spaceship resembling a battleship taking off from a runway toward the moon, and a starry sky”…and click Generate…

Set the prompt to …”Inside the small exploration vessel that plunges into the magma, two pilots in protective suits are at the wheel, and the vessel is shaking violently.”…and click Generate…

Set the prompt to …”A beach with calm waves in the early morning, 100 baby sea turtles moving their fins toward the sea, and the sunrise, Close up, Realistic documentary”…and click Generate…

A turtle? …But…I think it’s close to the image I had in mind.

続く… Continue…

Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ

2024.05.12 昨日に引き続き...Stable Artisanを弄ってみた...。 Continuing from yesterday...I played around with Stable Artisan... プロンプトを...「サバンナで吠えている雄ライオン」とし... Set the prompt to "male lion roaring in the savannah"... 他の設定はせずに...Enter Without any other settings...Enter で...右のライオンを選択し the right lion... で...Remove Backgroundをクリックしてみると... So... when I click on Remove Background... 凄い!透過pngがあっという間に完成!!これは使える!!!毛の一本一本まで綺麗に切り抜かれている...。amazing! transparent png completed in no time! ! You can use this! ! ...
2024.05.12 Blog Propman MEMO 「ものづくり」備忘録?のアイキャッチ画像を... Midjourney・Stable Artisan・Dream Studio・Adobe Firefly・Copilot Designer...等々で生成しています。 Blog Propman MEMO “Manufacturing” memo? Featured images of... Generated with Midjourney, Stable Artisan, Dream Studio, Adobe Firefly, Copilot Designer...etc. Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ ...
2024.05.11 画像の光源や照明を操作できる...生成AI「IC-Light」が公開された...。 Generation AI "IC-Light" that can manipulate the light source and lighting of images has been released... 未だ...情報が少なく...インストールはしばらく待とうと思いますが... これを読む限り...魅力的で可能性を感じるツールなので...念の為...記事にしておきます。 There's not much information yet...I think I'll have to wait a while to install it... As I read this, I feel that it is an attractive and possible tool, so I decided to write an article about it just in case. 画像生成AIに“ ...
2024.05.11 以前...紹介した...ストリートボードが生成できる...Lore Machine Previously introduced...Streetboards can be generated...Lore Machine 初のビデオ作成機能が!と動画付きメールが届いた... The first video creation function! I received an email with a video... 早速...弄ってみたんですが...上の動画みたいにアニメーションにならない!? I tried playing around with it right away, but it doesn't animate like the video above! ? 最初に付いていた無料分のクレジットだけが消費されたぁ... Only the free credits that came with it at the beginning were used up... サブスクリプションを契約しないと ...
2024.05.11 Stability AIが…「Stable Diffusion 3」「Stable Video Diffusion」「Stable Image Core」を...Midjourney同様に 「Discord」で利用できる...「Stable Artisan」を公開したので...早速...弄ってみた。Stability AI..."Stable Diffusion 3" "Stable Video Diffusion" "Stable Image Core"... Like Midjourney, we released Stable Artisan'' which can be used on Discord'', so I immediately tried playing around with it. 低スペックのPC上でも...Stable Diffusionが動かせるのは...とってもありがたい!I'm very grateful to be able to run Stable Diffusion even on a low-spec PC! まずは ...
2024.05.06 Blog Propman MEMO 「ものづくり」備忘録?の... アイキャッチ画像をAIで生成しています。 Blog Propman MEMO “Manufacturing” memo? of... Eye-catching images are generated using AI. Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ ...
2024.05.05 今日は...Udio betaで日本の70年代フォークソングを作曲?以前弄ったSunoと同じプロンプトを入力...Today…composing Japanese 70's folk song with Udio beta? Enter the same prompt as Suno that I played with before… 「東京在住の20歳の男性がこれからの人生の在り方について考える日本の70年代フォークソング調の曲をつくって」とし...Suggested tagsをfolkに設定... ``Create a song in the style of a Japanese 70’s folk song about a 20-year-old man living in Tokyo thinking about the future of his life''…Suggested tags set to folk… Midjourneyにて生成 Midjourneyにて生成 1曲目は...おっ!って思いました ...
2024.05.04 今日は...Udio betaでパンクを作曲?以前弄ったSunoと同じプロンプトを入力...Today…composing punk music with Udio beta? Enter the same prompt as Suno that I played with before… 「社会や政治への不満を訴えるパンクロックを英語で作曲」とし...Suggested tagsをpunkに設定... ``Create a punk rock song in English that expresses your dissatisfaction with society and politics''…Suggested tags set to punk… 3曲作ってみた... I made 3 songs… で...こんな...。3曲とも同じ感じ...。Punkというか...Hardcore色が強いかな? It ended up looking like this... All three songs have the ...
2024.05.03 順番待ちだったUdio.comから...メッセージが届いた...。 I received a message from, where I was waiting for my turn. Dear user, Thank you for your patience and interest in trying Udio (, our new generative music platform. At launch, we experienced significant load and unfortunately had to place some users on a waitlist. Since then, we’ve been busy increasing our capacity, and we’ve also rolled out some new features:Extend tracks up to 15 minutes with longer-term co ...
2024.04.28 Blog Propman MEMO 「ものづくり」備忘録?の... アイキャッチ画像をAIで生成しています。 Blog Propman MEMO “Manufacturing” memo? of... Eye-catching images are generated using AI. Generation AI Lab:生成AIラボ ...